Sunday, March 30, 2008

R&TQAC Festivus Photos

So this is why I'm not quitting my day job to become a photographer. These are a hot mess - blurry, poor color - the usual when I'm behind the camera. But regardless, it's what we have to commemorate our First Ever R&T Activity Club activity. Actually, the shitty quality is an adequate reflection of spending a Saturday at a bowling alley. It's all just a little bit hillbillied-up.
Hang on, here we go - the night in (quick) review:
The Man of the Hour, Mr. M himself, in all his bowling glory:

Fresh-faced Beth noshes on her fancy-schmancy grilled chicken salad and glass of the Alley's finest Merlot. Which, by the way, she deemed rather acceptable.

The Swartz's:

This is How They Roll. Literally.

Sandra's fine, fine form. She copied me, by the way. The photo is blurry because she was FAST - just like me! The ball had lightening-like speed. Thunder was crackin' when I bowled. And Sandra thought to copy that, ha ha :)
And that, my friends, is all we have to commemorate the night of bowling. Perhaps someone else needs to be in charge of photos! Next activity will be some sort of Summertime Fun - I bet ya can't wait!!

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