Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Shoved in My (Mail)Slot

After a long hard day of work and driving, what a nice surprise to check the mail stoop and find FUN mail, not "you've just quit your job, now go figure out your life/insurance/401k/grown-up-sucky-stuff" mail. 

Yep. I had not one - but TWO -  fancy packages delivered to my doorstep - packages I didn't even order for myself! The best kind of packages! 

And more importantly? The same-day-delivery of these two packages - one sent by my brother, and the other was a mystery gift, however could only have been sent via The Healthy Hoff. And they couldn't have been more polar opposite in nature, yet both so completely squeal-with-delight-upon-opening. 

I've delighted in reading through recipe after recipe of all things better with butter.  And have a few things slated for the taste testing already. 

And my shoebox of items from Klutchclub: A box chock-full 'o healthy living stuff. 

I will detail out the items at a later date, but wanted to share because I was just so damned excited that People Like Me, They Really Like Me! enough to send me fun prizes in the mail. 

Or. They are thinking, "Bake me some shit to shove in my cakehole, biatch." Or. "Biatch, get offa yo' lazy ass and do a little something healthy for a change." I don't know why they talk all street like that, calling me out like that. You'd have to ask them. 

1 comment:

The Hoff said...

Woo hoo :) Enjoy! The healthy stuff, I am not responsible for that other smut in your box...