Monday, August 22, 2011

Just A Day In The Life

What have we been doing? Well, I haven't moved to Montana or Wyoming and hooked up with a rodeo rider (although that still does sound quite sexy).

Here's what we've really been up to:

The Mister & I are sticking strong to our Meatless August. The Mister has lost 7 lbs, me, about 2 or 3ish. I don't really know. Enough to not be as thrilled about it but feeling better overall, so that's worth something.

It's not even really hard to do. I kinda would like a piece of Popeye's Chicken, or some bacon, but other than that, no worries. We went grocery shopping Sunday night and Kenny was quite skeptical when I threw vegetarian corn dogs in the buggy. He was convinced they would be terrible, but had to eat his words once he ate the breaded wiener. They were remarkably good.

I've got big plans to get up EARLY in the morning and go for a walk around the neighborhood. There are solid reasons, Reader, why I need to get a little exercise, but I'll save that recap for another time. But believe you me, I need to get a little cardio in my life. I'm a mess.

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