Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Over Exposed

Before we head out of town for our New Years Eve celebration in Sin City, I am going to leave you with this:

No, it's not my blinding beauty that's the focus. It's the hat. The hat with the 5 lights shining off the brim. That little light clip was in Kenny's bag o' gifts. I just found it tonight when I was unpacking everything. Kenny doesn't wear hats, but we happened to have one lying around from one of our cruises, so I clipped 'er on and tried 'er out. She's bright, I will say that. I want to wear it around in the dark all the time. It's sort of fun.
I turned out all the lights and went to the bathroom with only the light from the brim of my hat to guide the way. This lighted hat contraption is so fantastical I took a picture of it for you, Reader, despite my haggard it's-midnight-and-I-don't-have-on-any-makeup-and-I've-been-cleaning-the-house-oh, yeah-I have-some-premenstrual-breakouts-don't-I-look-GREAT and posted all over the interwebs just for you. Risking people who would love to see me looking like this stumbling across this site and laughing and laughing and laughing. The lighted hat is that great.
I will point out that I think my dark-circle under-eye lightening cream is working a little bit - they're not too bad under the eyes and this is at their absolute worst. I definitely look better a tad fixed up. Ah, well. It is what it is. I make no excuses for who I am. Well, not too many excuses.

While I'm pointing out Great Things About Me, I figured I'd included a picture of the pajama top I was sporting around the house in all my sexy wonder. Here it is, Pink Magic. Yes, those are a few stains right above the left boozum hole. What of it.

Kenny suggested I use this as my first sewing project with my new Christmas machine. But alas, I knew when enough was enough and I put the old girl in the trash. She's sitting out on the treelawn right now. Maybe I should have tried to save her. On a good note, my friend Joanne took pity on my pajama plight, even before seeing Pink Magic, and I got a new pair of jammies for Christmas.

Since I blog-committed to working on bringing my Sexy, back, I surprised Kenny with a Santa's Little Helper suit for a Christmas bonus. A slight step up from Pink Magic, but certainly not as comfortable. Although Toby (the cat) did enjoy laying between my boozums and biting the faux-fur neckline.

That's all I've got to tide you over until I return. Happy New Year - cheers to 2010! I'm ready to usher it in!

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