Sunday, December 9, 2012

Funky Cold

I'm in a bit of a funk lately, Reader. I hate to blame the holidays. I think it's more related to the lack of sunshine alighting upon my person. Even though we've had some beautiful days for a Cleveland winter, I have missed them due to long days at Tiny Town. 

So I'm stuck in a funk. And it's hard to dislodge from it. 

Yesterday I had Saturday unfurled at my feet and couldn't even muster the gumption to make New Year's Eve plans. Don't even mention Christmas shopping to me. That hasn't even started yet.  No tree up, no cards purchased let alone written, no gumption to even make the house organized enough for to get excited to Christmas it up.  I'm entertaining the thought of skipping it all together, but the kitteh has never seen a Christmas tree and I feel bad denying him this little bit of joy he doesn't even know awaits.  So I will try.

This morning we discovered Kitty Purry took a shit in the bathtub. 

No, we don't know why. That's just par for the course around here. Sometimes it's just a good idea to shit in the tub. 

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