Monday, December 21, 2009


Sick. Thought last week with nasty cough was beginning and end, but it seems it was just a prelude. Achy, stuffy, blah blah. Good thing I don't have my Christmas things done yet. Ah, well, I'll make Kenny run errands if needed. He's a good boyfriend like that.

The little baby Blackie - who I tried to name Luka, by the way, cause she lives on the second floor, but Kenny didn't like it - anyway, she goes in tomorrow for her declaw. It always makes me feel bad, especially the food and water deprivation part.

I watched two more episodes of Vampire Diaries. That show scares me, I need to take it in small doses. Kenny can suck it, telling me to get a grip on myself, I'm 43. It's scary!

Off to bed with Nyquil and Vicks Vaporub.

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